Hello there!
Firstly before anything, No AI "Art" will be considered.
Secondly, Please read everything, before contacting me with your interest.
Thirdly, This is a call for artists of the drawing/painting variety, i realise i did not make that clear!
As April speedily approaches, the ZZR is in need of an artist for a one off piece, a idyllic version of the ZZR and surrounding area for a railway poster, if you are a railway enthusiast and live in the UK, you will know of these stunning posters that heritage railways will have up from the 1930's and onwards, where a artist has painted a stunning image of an area, to promote rail travel to that location, here are some examples below!
Above: Talyllyn Railway Poster by Terence Cuneo.
Above: The West Highland Line Poster by Jack Merriott.
Above: Glen Ogle, Perthshire Poster by Terence Cuneo.
As you can see! some utterly incredible work, if you know the ZZR, we have done our own posters over the years, using inworld photography and slight modifications via GIMP to try (badly) to replicate a painted style. and of course, below is those works.
Above: The Zany Zen Railway Poster from 2016 By The Zany Zen.
Above: The Zany Zen Railway Poster from 2019 By The Zany Zen.
Above: The Zany Zen Railway Poster from 2024 By The Zany Zen.
As you can see, i am no artist, although my photography skills have improved over the 9 years, along with the scenic nature surrounding the ZZR.
You have made it this far! so you must be interested, here be the nitty gritty of what we need.
Up front, payment will be in Linden Dollars, there is no room for negotiation there, due to not being able to pull Lindens out of Second Life, The ZZR is only able to pay with Lindens. Commission payment WILL include adjustments for transaction fees incurred for cashing out of Second Life. This payment would equate to what you would charge in RL for a commission of course.
The writing and below of the poster will be handled by my self, the requirement from you would be the beautiful artwork above.
The plan for the poster is to be sold in the ZZR gift shop, with funds going towards ZZR maintenance. along with me producing a single RL print for my personal use.
Credit will ALWAYS be provided with posters, in the inworld object description, on the print its self, and product information.
We do NOT want a 1 for 1 recreation what you see inworld, We want a idyllic version of things, both to allow for it not to be totally SLy, and for composition.
Price will be talked about if we pick you, please do NOT create an piece then approach me demanding a payment. This is not a competition, no bidding, no lowest price wins, We will pick if your art style works with what is envisioned.
I want to really work with you, exchange ideas, get your thoughts and input, while i may have an idea what i want, i really would love to know if you have a better angle, what you would do, the basic thing I want is a locomotive chuffing through the scenery of Seogyeoshire, anything else is fair game.
Finally, this piece needs to be ready by the end of March 2025, ready for April, the 10th Anniversary Month of the ZZR
How to Apply!
Well you made it this far! so you really must be interested. To apply message me inworld in Second Life, Zen Swords-Galway (ZenriaCo Resident), with a link to a easy to view portfolio of your works. If we really love your work, and see you could provide the style we want, we will contact you inworld.
Thank you for reading all this, and your intrest, i can't wait to hear from you all.