
Tracks to Trenches NOW RUNNING!

Bus Service: Somdari Station Troop trains are now running between all stations! Running till the 13th of November PLUS don't forget your get your souvenir ticket, the design will be gone FOREVER once the last Troop train departs Somdari on the 13th. Free Tier - 0 (Platform Ticket Machine + Donation Terminal) Bronze Tier - 1 > 499 (Donation [...] Read more

Tracks to Trenches Arriving Soon!

It's that time of year again when we remember those who fought for us, as always the ZZR will be remembering the men and women who served on the WW1 trench railways, delivering vital support to the front line troops. Running Between: 6th to 13th of November During this special tribute, the ZZR will transform into a front-line service, paying [...] Read more

The Spook Service is NOW RUNNING!

The 9th annual ZZR Spook Service is NOW RUNNING! Running till the 1st of November. Bus Service: Somdari Station During this service you can collect your one of a kind souvenir ticket! Free Tier - 0 (Platform Ticket Machine + Donation Terminal) Bronze Tier - 1 > 499 (Donation Terminal) Silver Tier - 500 > 999 (Donation Terminal) Gold Tier - [...] Read more

The Spook Service is Departing Soon!

You are invited to come on by for the Zany Zen Railways 9th Annual Spook Service! Running between 23rd of October to 1st of November. Here is an excerpts from the ZZR Events Page by Eesoov Elan to get you in the mood. Have you ever experienced that spine-tingling, inexplicable feeling that the world around you has taken a surreal turn? Perhaps [...] Read more

October Locomotive Change - Uccie

With Autumn here, it is still mild enough to have a cabless locomotive chuffing along the ZZR, Uccie is now running till the 23rd of October when The Dragon will be pulling the Spook Service! Bus Service: The Zany Zen Railway - Somdari Station

Autumn has come to the Zany Zen Railway!

Leaves on the line are not a problem when you have a good p-way team! A big thanks to Eesoov and Alexis for keeping me company❤️ Bus Service: The Zany Zen Railway - Somdari Station Zen.

Zany Zen Railway 2023 Events!

Welcome to the ZZR, where you're in for a beautiful ride and picturesque views as you journey along the tracks. Passing by homes, fields, and other captivating sights while travelling from station to station. This delightful experience is available year-round, we have some exciting special events coming up that you won't want to miss. Check out [...] Read more

September Locomotive Change - Galway

With the Summer season coming to a close, time for some diesel traction to give the steam engines a break! Galway will be running till the 7th of October! Bus Service Zen.

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