
The ZZR has turned 9 Years Old!

Thats right! the ZZR is now 9 years old, and honestly can't believe it, a massive thank you to all of you who have supported, ridden and donated over these 9 years, the railway would be nothing without its passengers! Onward to a decade of the ZZR! Zen.

The 9th Anniversary Steam Gala Celebrations are now RUNNING!

Now running till the 22nd of April, the 9th Anniversary Steam Gala is now in full swing! What To See & Do! - The railway is currently operating steam on both goods and passenger, a once in a year sight! PLUS decorated with as many balloons and banners as we could find! Located Here - - [...] Read more

9th Anniversary Steam Gala & Rail Steam Gala SOON!

The 9th Anniversary Steam Gala is soon pulling in to the station! Starting Monday the 15th of April to Monday the 22nd of April, Gwlith (Passenger) and Pink Lady (Goods) will be chuffing together up and down the railway, of course visitors from Sombre Railway and Valkyrie Light Transport RailRoad will be steaming in Seogyeo Town Square, PLUS! [...] Read more

April Locomotive Change - Montgomery

Our little hunslet is now chuffing up and down the line till the 15th of April when our freshly painted and renamed locomotive Gwlith takes over the passenger service for the Anniversary Steam Gala! Bus Service:

The Zany Zen Railway 9th Anniversary Steam Gala & Road to Rail Steam Gala Announcement!

It's that time of year again! Can you believe it, the Zany Zen Railway soon turning 9 years old. Honestly feels like it was just yesterday i was putting in those support tickets to get the abandoned land. The Events! So this year we wanted to do something a lil more special then the other years, not only do we have 2 wonderful steam locomotives [...] Read more

Gwlith rolls out of Cyfnos!

As you can see, Gwlith is now out in the daylight! and is ready for her debut at the 9th Anniversary steam gala from the 15th to the 22nd of April! If you can't wait she is now settled inside the Somdari engine sheds for public viewing. Hope to see you there! Zen.

Sunset on The Dragon, Sunrise on Gwlith.

Yes, you read that title right, The Dragon is no more, helping us to move forward and begin a fresh start, The Dragon is evolving in to Gwlith. She is getting a fresh coat of paint, new pinstriping, and of course getting checked over to see how everything is holding up. The name Gwlith was picked out by the ZZR's very own Eesoov Elan, Gwlith is [...] Read more

Inside The Works - March 2024

Hello again! It's been a while since i did one of these, and i really enjoyed being able to shed some light on what's happening behind the scenes of the ZZR with you all. So here it goes! Welcome to Inside the works, a blog post that talks about the goings on around the railway and the team behind it. Ahndang Old Slate Works & Lore.. So, a few [...] Read more

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