
November Locomotive Change - The Pink Lady

The Pink Lady has taken over the passenger service with Tracks to Trenches ending, and will be running till the 2nd of December, oddly around the time Bryn starts complaining its to cold not to be in a enclosed cab locomotive.. strange that coincidence that! Bus Service - Zen.

Lest We Forget.

"They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them." - Laurence Binyon

Troop Trains are NOW Arriving on Platform 1!

"KEEP YA BATTLE BOWLERS ON!" Tracks to Trenches is now running, and will be running till the 12th of November! Tracks to Trenches commemorates those who have fallen serving on the trench railways of WW1, and remembering their sacrifice while moving troops and supplies up the front lines. Bus Service - [...] Read more

The Troop Train is Soon Arriving!

When and Where With the Spook Service finished for this year, Its once again that time of year, where we remember the ultimate sacrifice made by the trench railway service men and women of World War 1. Tracks to Trenches will be beginning soon, on the 4th of November, going on to the 12th of November Bus Service - [...] Read more

Happy Halloween From The Zany Zen Railway!

Happy Halloween everyone who celebrates this spoooopy time of year, from everyone at the Zany Zen Railway! Spook Service is running till the 1st of November with clear up happening on the day, so if you haven't got a chance to ride this years Spook Service, you have just under 24 hours! Bus Service - [...] Read more

The Spook Service is NOW running!

The ZZR Spook Service is NOW running! And will be running till the 1st of November! Come on by if you dare, with spooky passenger services departing every 20 mins from Somdari and Little Coverston. Somdari - Little Coverston - To get you [...] Read more

The Spook Service Is Arriving SOON!

Thats right dear viewer! the ZZR Spook Service is about to begin! Starting from the 21st of October, you will be able to hop on one of our spooktacularly decked out trains! Bus Service - And now a bit of flavour text from Eesoov to wet your appetite! You know that feeling that makes you look [...] Read more

October Locomotive Change - Galway

Its that time of year again, where it starts to get just a wee bit nippy for cabless locomotives, and the ZZR roster of steam locomotives are requiring a little TLC before the winter months set in, meaning only one locomotive can take over the job, Galway! Our reliable diesel hydraulic locomotive has taken over till the 21st of October! when [...] Read more

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