
March Locomotive Change - The Pink Lady

Its that time of the month again when the ZZR Passenger locomotives get switched out, this month of course is The Pink Lady's turn to chuff through the scenic spring time landscape of Seogyeoshire, and she will be running all the way till the 1st of April. You may notice, the 1st of April is not our usual time for switching out, usually we switch [...] Read more


Introduction! Hello there! Firstly before anything, No AI "Art" will be considered. Secondly, Please read everything, before contacting me with your interest. Thirdly, This is a call for artists of the drawing/painting variety, i realise i did not make that clear! As April speedily approaches, the ZZR is in need of an artist for a one off piece, a [...] Read more

February Locomotive Change - Uccie

Spring is here! and with Spring returns our open locomotives to passaenger services, Bryn is finally back from his month break in the Welsh Dragon pub. Bus Service - Keep on chuffin! Zen.

Spring has Bloomed on the ZZR!

After a very cold Winter, Spring has finally come to the ZZR, so why don't you come on down and ride amongst the newly blooming flowers! Bus Service - Keep on Chuffin! Zen.

January locomotive Change - Galway

With the festivities now over, a warm cab was required to brave these snowy conditions! meaning our steam locomotive driver Bryn is in the Welsh Dragon buying everyone rounds, and our diesel driver Colwyn happily took over the passenger train in Galway, and will be running till the 7th of February. Also, since Santa has left the railway, our new [...] Read more

New Year, New Ticket Design!

As the end of the Santa Specials draw to a close, its comes time to introduce the new Day Rover ticket design for this years regular services. This year as all years, our regular ticket takes inspiration from sweets, the iconic Pink and White marshmallow is this years colour pallet, no hot chocolate can go without a garnishment of these [...] Read more

Happy New Year From the ZZR!

Happy New Year! So! what a year, while 2024 was pretty quiet on ZZR updates, it has been a year for sure, over 3000 visitors dropped by, A new guards van was put in to service with new features, Gwlith got a new paint job, Ahndang Works was Opened by Eesoov Elan, had our first Pride train running up and down during the month of June, a new poster [...] Read more

Happy Holidays from the ZZR!

From everyone at the Zany Zen Railway, Happy Holidays everyone! I hope you are all having a wonderful festive season. Don't fret about Santa, he is sticking around till the 6th of January, so relax, enjoy your day no matter what you celebrate. Zen, Amalia and Eesoov.

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